Burger Scholar George Motz has logged tens of thousands of miles in the name of hamburger research. But today, he’s on a mission to connect the dots and figure out where the hamburger actually comes from. Better yet, he’s gonna do some time-travel to look for answers!
In this episode, Motz will visit the ancient streets of Rome to cook ancestral patties called Isicia Omentata that date back to 400 A.D.; he’ll explore the frozen steppes of Siberia to investigate how Mongolian warriors allegedly tenderized beef under their horse saddles; and he’ll land in the port of Hamburg, Germany to study how the beef patty made its way onto a plate in the 1800s—inching us closer to the burger as we know it today.
There are tons of rumors and myths to sift through, which of course makes for an epic tale.
Watch more from First We Feast.